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"My son has flourished since being supported by his carers. He has become more confident and enjoys going to his clubs and trips away!"

– Mother of Service User

"As this young man's guardian, having support in place allows me to have time to myself while he's out having a good time. This improves the atmosphere in our house as we're not under each other's feet all day! I also look forward to tagging along on day trips and our monthly meals out!"

– Guardian


"Working for interactive has really changed my life. I have built some amazing relationships with my colleagues and service users and many opportunities have been available to me that have allowed me to build a career in health and social care.

– Support Worker

"I really like all the support workers at ICS, they have helped me so much by supporting me on days out and evening clubs. I can now go out and meet my friends without having my parents with me! Since using ICS my confidence has grown!

– Service User

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